Mem makes wine!

Mem has worked for us since June 2014. She joined Three Blue Ducks when we had only our little original cafe in Bronte and a seasonal pop up in the snow at Falls Creek.

Although already a hospo veteran at 24, working in our little cafe in Bronte was Mem’s first experience of natural wines. Fast forward and most of you will now know Mem as our group’s beloved Beverage Manager, to championing all things sustainable, equitable and delicious in the world of beverages.

Over the most recent three years Mem has embarked on a journey to follow her dream to become a natural winemaker. When she’s not travelling between venues, Mem lives and works on an organic vineyard in the heart of the Hunter Valley.

Wine making happens once a year at the end of summer/start of autumn when the fruit is ripe. This year was the first year that she made her very own natural wine and we couldn’t be more delighted to support Mem in her wine making endeavours.

Mem has made a white wine and two rosé wines, which you’ll be able to taste and enjoy at the Ducks, and also available at only the best natty wine shops!

VIDEO: Watch Mem and Darren Robertson chatting about Mem’s new wines HERE.

BOOK A TABLE and sample Mem’s wine.

